Thursday, March 29, 2012

Room Creativity

1) How do you plan on addressing the room creativity expectation?
 My idea for the room is to get pictures from magazines like National Geographic and newspaper, then I would put the pictures all over the room. Since I know this would be really difficult to do, I was thinking of just making a strip of photos and have the strip go around the walls. My other idea and the one I think I will most likely do is get photos from famous photographers and my own pictures, then frame them and put them around the room. I want it to have a gallery feel to the room.

2) What activities ideas do you have for answer 1 or 2?
What I was thinking for my answer 2 activity, my second answer is having strong emotion in your photo, that I would borrow the cameras from ROP and have the students take photos with emotion. I would put them into groups and give each group an emotion, have them to try and capture the emotion the best they could. The last part of the activity would to upload the pictures, so everyone could see them, then ask people to guess the emotion in the shot.

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