Thursday, May 24, 2012

Senior Project Reflection

What are you most proud in your 2-hour and/or your senior project? Why?
There are so many different aspects of senior project that I am proud of because I have put so much work into everything I do. I am very proud of my product, which is my portfolio, I have put so much time and effort into it. It shows off all of my skills that I have learned this year. In my 2-hour I am most proud of my second answer, I presented on everything that I needed to say. I felt like that student understood what I was teaching and seemed to enjoy the presentation. I am also very proud of my PowerPoint which took a long time to finish, and took lots of hard work. I was very picky with the photos I chose because I wanted pictures that had made an impact on me to be on there. I think my PowerPoint was aesthetically pleasing and I really love every aspect of it.

What assessment would you give yourself on your 2-hour Presentation? Why?
I would give myself an AE, the reason being that I put so much work into the presentation itself. I made sure everything was right and that I had everything ready. I think my 2-hour shows everything that I have learned this year and you could see the passion I have for my topic. I had enough to talk about and I made it clear so that everyone could understand what I was talking about. I engaged the audience and made sure that everyone was involved. I was confident through out my presentation and met all the requirements needed. I also am not just doing this for the grade it goes beyond that, I was happy to share with my peers all I knew about photojournalism. I also had students coming up to after the presentation with questions and telling me they really liked my presentation, one of my main goals was to have them enjoy the presentation.

What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project? Why?
AE, simply because for my senior project I give 110% to every assignment we have. Like I mention before in my 2-hour assessment, it is more than just a grade for me, I look at photojournalism as a future career, even a lifestyle. I'm glad that I was able to dive into photojournalism, without senior project I probably still wouldn't know what I wanted to do with my life. When I present or research photojournalism it because I want to know more or I want people to know about it and could maybe love it as much as I do. I think in my 2-hour, Exit, and product show how much I have done this year, that I actually care about my senior topic. I feel like for many of the assignments I gave my best effort to meet the requirements and try to go above and beyond.

What worked for you in your senior project?
I would say gaining a real knowledge of the photojournalism field before I go into it. I now sort of know what I am getting myself into.I was able to interview people who are in the photojournalism industry which is amazing, no amount of articles could have taught me what they have. My service learning which was my ROP class was amazing and it made me a way better photographer. I now have a foundation to start my life on which is something I will always cherish.

What didn't work for in your senior project?
Researching was something that I felt wasn't going good for me because all my friends doing medical related senior projects had medical journals for research. I felt my research was inadequate compared to theirs, but I realized how much I was learning from research. I figured out that my research worked for me and it was solid. Science fair was also very hard for me, it was hard to settle on a an experiment. Then I felt that it sub par compared to my some of peers experiments.

Finding Value.
I have found so much value in my senior topic, I know have a future career. I have something that makes me happy, something that will give me the satisfaction I will need from a career. I have learned something from every assignment that I have done, it has all taught me something that I wouldn't normally found out. Even if science fair wasn't my favorite project I still learned so much about lenses which is knowledge that I am grateful for. My interviews were a great source that also helped me gain connections and knowledge. . I am glad that I tried so hard in every assignment because I would learn so much in the end.

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